Wednesday, March 14, 2007

Memory in Ming Chuan

92350930 Amy

I have been in Ming Chuan for a long time and I have had happy times and unhappy times. Although this school is famous for its strictness, but in here I still learned a lot of new skills, such as the statistics software like SPSS, SAS, and so on. When it comes to general computer skills, I'm also well-informed. I know how to run software like Word, Excel, and so forth.Most importantly, English is a compulsory subject in this school. Therefore my English has advanced more for these years.

Moreover, during the school times I also took advantage of holidays to participate in proficiency tests, such as certification courses in finance.Besides, I am glad that I got to know so many people during my study times. They not only helped me, but also taught me many things. Without them, my life would be just gray without any colors. Although there are many unhappy events, they are still very important to me. I think I will not forget any thing or anyone who helped and cared about me in Ming Chuan after my graduation.

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