Wednesday, March 14, 2007

Blue Teach Others About Cosplay In ACG Club


ACG means animates, comics, and games. Cosplay this word comes from Japan. It means people dressing up like the games, comics, and movies characters. I join the ACG club at every Friday have an activity to teach other members different areas of ACG.
At first, the teacher of cosplay class is not me. He has many things have to do, he had no time to hold the class. Then others thought I can do that, and I am glad to. Before the class I prepared a lot of pictures to show and something when you cosplay have to notice about. In class, I was teach them how to take pictures, make up, and dress up.
After the class some of them felt great, some of them felt ok. But most of them felt not good enough, because the want to learn more things. I just have one to one half hours to teach them. So I can’t teach more things in the class. If I have an opportunity, I still happy to be the teacher again.

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