Tuesday, March 20, 2007

Volleyball 92350973 35 Chloe

I joined the volleyball team when I was flash man. It can colorful my extra activities. Play volleyball can help me to learn some activities with teammate also can let me having full exercise. Our team separate by boys and girls, and we practice twice a week. We have a game witch is the most important is joined only statistic department all over the country once per year. After game, we usually make a party to celebrate ourselves. I couldn’t forget the game last year. Our girl’s team got the second. It blew our mind. I’m too glad to control my tears. I bear hug my teammate when we won the ticket of final. Although we couldn’t win the first, we still feel happy because this grade is very good for us. We also make a little trip to relate our feelings. It’s time to let our teams’ relationship more closely between boys and girls, so our sensibility is very good. I will join it until I graduate. I’m not sure I will have time to play it after I enter the social life and start my busy work.

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