Tuesday, March 20, 2007

My college memory - 92350460 Michael

When I was a junior in the end, we have a travel in summer vacation. We decide to go to the Thailand and stay 6 days.

First night, our hotel is near the river in Bangkok. That’s a very beautiful place. We have gone to the “Alligator and Tiger Zoo”, “Three head elephant museum”, and some temples.

When we at the Pattaya, we went to play the speedboat with parachute, and skiff. There has a “Ghost House” and “stereo” in the department store, that’s very terrible but exciting. And then, we went to the “Monkey School” and ride the elephant. By the way, the monkey is so smart!

At the night, everywhere has pubs and much shows. Next day, we have lunch in the Pattaya Park at 55 stories. That’s very highly and spread out far beyond the horizon. After lunch, we visit the aquatic market. There have many different items beside Taiwan. We bought some food and went to the next place. At nightfall, the delicious food on the cruise ship is waiting us. We hope this quality time well stop forever.

Final, we went to the “Dream World” Park and bought “NARAYA” bags. Every people bought a lot of bags until they can’t take it up. It’s an impressiveness memory for me at college days.

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